
Journey During These Day-offs

Ahem. Hello hello bloggie! How have you been? This post is opened by this simple warning for you guys that I got on tumblr and I put it here although it has nothing related to the content of this post because of personal reason :P ok skip that, let's continue directly to my story. Fortunately I had been through the final semester examination and done all the assignments to complete the scores, so what I've been doing in these weeks are just treating my lazyass, letting myself enjoy the good times of high school that is coming to an end. Yup, I'm going to the last grade of high school in a few weeks! I will have to work really hard, no more fooling around! Report cards are going to be delivered next week, so let's pray that the result will have improvements and it won't disappoint anyone, amin.

How was your day-offs? I must happily say that mine were quite productive. I went out to some places, and fortunately I still had the chance to visit 'Walls Magnum Cafe' at Grand Indonesia Shopping Town with a friend--Iper, and it was a day before closing! Lucky us.

The cafe was located on the 5th floor of the West Mall. It's very eyecatchy, with red and gold touch in little details, this cafe was surely a classy, yet chic place to hang out for a little ice-cream-time and even a family dinner. We (me and my friend) came on Monday, so we didn't have to queue for hours (it happened on weekends for God's sake!) but we did have to queue for 45 minutes. When we reached our seats, we were wonderstruck by menu (haha). They have such wide range of food and beverages, and it took us years to finally choose what to order.

The first menu we ordered was.... Espresso Dream!
This is how it looked! It consisted of two magnum ice cream sticks and belgian chocolate drowned in espresso coffee and crunchy almonds. Oh and it perfectly had some whipped cream too. The espresso coffee was quite warm when it was served. When this menu first came, all we did was admiring this appetite for minutes. Yes, we were wonderstruck (again!) because it looked totally OMNOMNOMable. Oh and we were supposed to take pictures of this scrumptious menu before munching them, but due to our inferior gluttony (oh yes, pardon us) we forgot to take it! This picture is brought to you because I found it in the internet, tee-hee.

All I can say about this is that....... it was scrumptious as hell. Just felt perfect on my tongue. The vanilla ice cream gave the cold sensation in your mouth, while the belgian chocolate gave the sweet taste. And the final touch, the best part of this appetite was that warm espresso coffee!! It made the ice cream melt, gave the strong sensation and neutralize the sweetness of the belgian chocolate. Rp. 39k for two ice cream sticks (if I'm not mistaken) and very worth it.

When we're done munching this appetite, my friend was like "AAHH!! How come we forgot to take pictures of that menu???" and I was like "shizz, it was yummy as fuck and we didn't have any idea to do any other thing but to EAT that for God's sake!" but it went only in my thought with some profanities haha (how come I voice that kind of rude expression in public -_-) so all I did was taking the picture of our menu when it had nothing left...

And guess what? After this menu, we were not done YET! I said to him that we needed to order again and he agreed. So we looked upon the menu and I decided that we had to order something less than that. I guess a stick of magnum ice cream with dipping would be fine for the two of us. He said, "this time we are supposed NOT to forget to take pics of it again!" and I said "yes!!!" after that we finally made our choice. It was chocolate ice cream with belgian milk chocolate dipping and vanilla cookies topping and another topping I forgot (damn, I really forget what it was but it tasted fine as well!). We waited for a couple of minutes, and it finally came! Prince choice topping, Rp. 20k

The dipping station

 Oh and we did it again... we ate it again without taking pictures of it first! How come we did such a foolishness twice!!??
But overall, coming a long way from our school by Transjakarta busway to here was really worth it. I give my 3.75 out of 4 stars for the ice cream appetites :)

And it was such an experience... We were fooling around in such a prestigious place with high school uniform! Caught several people staring at us while we're walking our way there. I know they must have thought "what the hell these scruffy kids are doing here??!!" but it was a guilty pleasure anyway :)


Last week was when the Starbucks Indonesia promo held. It was 50% off for all types Frappuccino from 11am to 1 pm! I went to Starbucks twice in a week because of this (such a promo lover :P) The first time I went was with Arya my dearest bestfriend, and guess what? I was randomly chosed (I don't know whether it was by the cash register man or the cash register computing system itself) to fill a questionnaire for Starbucks, and for return I got free complimentary beverage in tall cup! :D That was my lucky day, and I can use it next time I'll go there. The second time, I went there with Iper. I am a Frappuccino lover and this felt like it was a treat made for me! Thank you so much much @SbuxIndonesia :)

These were our (my & Iper's) venti cups. He had vanilla frappuccino while I had coffee caramel frappuccino. And these two venti cups we got for only... Rp 44k! All hail the happy-50% off-hour!! :D

Guess I had a lot of fun in these day-offs. I still got more left, and I won't waste it at home! I will be going to somewhere elses. Wait in the next post ;) Don't forget to go out and have fun! Life's too short to be at home way too much. Enjoy the fresh air outside!

See you in the next posts :) xoxo

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