
Denis Chapon: 12 Drawings a Day

"During 3 years (2008-2011) I have been drawing 12 drawing of animation every day, it make one second of film. I had no plans what so ever before starting the first drawing. And then, each of the folowing days, I took the 3 last drawing from the day before and kept on animating. I use a none erasable pen, and drew on the back side of used A4 paper.


Pendant 3 ans (2008-2011) j'ai fait 12 dessins d'animation chaque jour. Ce qui équivaut à une seconde de film. Je n'avais pas de plans précis quand j'ai fait le premier dessin. Puis, les jours suivant, je prenais les 3 derniers dessins de la veille et continuais à animer. J'ai utilisé un stylo non-effaçable et je dessinais au verso de feuilles A4 déjà utilisées."

I find watching this is very alluring. This animated drawing simply stimulates your imagination. The fact that he used recycled papers to draw just makes makes me honor him more. And he's French. It's a plus one hundred.
Other works of him can be found here.

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