

People always scare me.

They say long distance relationship is the most vulnerable kind of relationship. They say long distance relationship sucks. They say long distance relationship lacks of trust. They say boys will be boys and there's no need to wait, no need to be serious in such young age.

Vulnerable? Well it is, indeed. Me and him are separated 400 kilometers. Not only separated by the distance, but also by the very different environment, very different surrounding people, very different college culture, very different schedules, and so on. Sucks? Of course it does! Not having him by my side is frustrating. He was my classmate for two years, and I got used to have him near everyday. The sudden change was surprising in a negative way. I am busy with my own college life, and so is he. Our communication gets worse at times. We often don't talk to each other for days. Lacks of trust? Well yes, sometimes. I must say that it is normal. He's just scared to see me gaining opposite-sex friends at college, and due the fact that he's 400 kilometers away, his worries increase, and I have to be very patient to ensure him that it is nothing and I'll be okay.

This whole long distance relationship did freak us out. I hate it at that time, and I still do. But as time goes by, I don't only hate it, I learn something from it. I learn to appreciate things. I learn to appreciate the people I love being around me. I learn to appreciate the lovely moments of life. I learn to appreciate him more and more and much more than before. Having a person who loves me like him is something I need to be very, very grateful for.

Now that we're working on this long distance relationship, we rarely meet. I meet him only for twice or three times in several months. It's crazy, you know, I can't hug him anytime I want, I can't always see him in person, I can't always go out every week with him, but I appreciate the time much more when he's home. When he comes home and meet me, I learn about how precious our moment is, and somehow it makes the bond between us even stronger. Maybe it's like on-off relationship when we're apart (we're both architecture students with tons of assignments and deadlines, so yeah), but it's always relieving and heart-warming when he comes home. It's like falling in love for the first time all over again.

You listened to people who scared you to death
And from my heart, strange that you were strong enough to even make a start 
You'll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart
People, you can never change the way the feel
Better let them do just what they will, for they will,
If you let them steal your heart from you

People, will always make a lover feel a fool
But you knew I loved you
(Kissing a Fool - George Michael, 1988)

Dang. Finally I realize, this George Michael song explains it all.
I can never change the way people feel about long distance relationship. I can never change the way they think about how vulnerable and how useless it is to save a long distance relationship. Just like the lyric goes, "better let them do just what they feel, for they will, if you let them steal your heart from you.."

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong
(You're Still the One - Shania Twain, 1997)

People always scare me, but hey, look how far we've been through.
Happy 17 months, Mas.

P.S: The 'Long' in the title of this post refers to long as in 'long distance relationship' and long as in 'I long for you'. They are so much correlated and you are free to choose the definition of 'long' as you wish, dear reader.